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Industry Depot

Tour our 1909 rural depot to see what it feels like to be in a railroad station in the 1930’s or the 1940’s from the completely outfitted ticket agent’s office to the waiting room where the original wooden seats surround the perimeter of the room. Imagine all the destinations and stories of the people who sat in those seats starting their journeys or waiting for a loved one to return.

Industry Yard

Various locomotives, freight cars, and passenger cars are on display with many open for viewing.

Railroad Passenger Timetables

Serving a dual role as advertising and reference, the passenger timetable was and remains a rail traveler’s best friend as they attempt to navigate the railroads across the U.S.A. and the world. This exhibit is located in Delaware, Lackawanna, & Western baggage car #2078.

The East Rochester Despatch Car Shops: A History in Pictures

Built at the turn of the 20th century, the East Rochester Despatch Car shops turned out thousands of railroad cars over its multi-decade history until its demise in the 1970’s. This exhibit housed in a Merchants Despatch Transportation ice bunker refrigerator car shows the history of the MDT and the Despatch Car Shops in pictures and more!