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ESE siding – Another milestone reached!

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Thanks to some warm and dry early Spring weather along with a lot of hard work from our Track Department, all of the rail up to the last section of the new siding west of the LA&L installed last year has been gauged and spiked.  

 The current end of siding looking northeast.
 Looking northwest at the entire siding which is currently over 300 feet in length.
 The museum’s two ex-New York Central flat cars have been moved toward the end of track to allow for ballasting & leveling to start at the switch end of the siding.

The next steps will be to move the museum’s B&O baggage car down the siding and then start ballasting and leveling the siding starting at the switch from the LA&L and working south.   At the same time, the museum’s Construction Department will be working on the excavation needed to extend the siding some two hundred feet further south from the current end of track.   As always, the R&GVRRM is constantly looking for new volunteers to help us with both track work and to help us maintain, restore, and operate our heavy equipment.   Interested?   More information is available here.