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On Tuesday evening, June 1, the R&GVRRM Track Department set to work on building the track for phase three of the west siding project after the sub-ballast had been spread and rolled the previous Saturday.

The work is underway…
Spreading ties.
Spacing ties with custom built tie spacers that make the work much easier.
 From next to the museum’s Restoration Shop that gives a real perspective as to how big the job is.
By the end of the evening, real progress had been achieved on the track with a solid crew of guys working.
Ties down, rail down and all bolted up ready to be gauged, spiked & ballasted!  Nice work!
As for the ballast, we could really use your help.   Please consider a donation to our Donate-A-Ton  fundraiser.   Details can be found on the Support page of our website.   We also welcome new hands to come and help us build and maintain our track and our railroad.   Information on volunteering is available here.