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Drainage work continues at the museum

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Drainage Pipe Install – In order to properly handle runoff water from around the Restoration Building site, a new drainage pipe had to be installed near where the switch to the restoration building lead tracks will be installed. To do this, siding #6 had to be severed to clear the way for both the pipe install and the switch install.

Backfilling – The museum’s Bucyrus-Erie 20-H hydraulic excavator is being used to backfill part of the trench where the drainage pipe has already been installed. More pipe needs to be installed to the east, but the machine will need to sit on the backfilled area in order to complete the excavation.

Looking On – Museum volunteers Jeremy Tuke, Dave Luca and Dale Hartnett look on as the trench is back filled.

At the Controls – John McDonald has the controls of the 20-H as he starts to further excavate the trench so an additional piece of pipe can be installed.

Checking the Depth – Dale Hartnett checks the depth of the hole using a set of reference lines set up next to the excavation site and a story pole which is held down in the trench. It is critical to get the depth and grade of the pipe correct so it will drain the water properly.

A Little Deeper – The 20-H takes a little more earth out of the hole to allow for the next pipe to be installed.

More Pipe – An additional piece of pipe is swung into place using the excavator.

Time to Backfill Again – With the newest piece of pipe installed, it is time to again backfill part of the hole.

Moving Out of the Way – While the drainage pipe was being installed by its younger hydraulic brother, museum volunteers Joe Scanlon and Art Mummery started up the Bucyrus-Erie 15-B shovel front. Here Joe crawls the 15-B toward its storage location since it had to be moved to allow for final grading for the track installation.