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Hittin’ the dirt again!

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After a summer that saw a lot of clean-up around the museum, the land needed to further extend our Empire State Express train set siding was clear and ready to meet the museum’s heavy equipment.   On Tuesday afternoon, October 19, volunteers Scott Gleason and Dan Waterstraat had the yellow fleet fired up and working.  Here are some photos of the progress.

The work site with the end of the current siding just behind the dozer just to left of center.
 Scott Gleason has a full blade as he passes in the low Fall evening sunlight.
 Making another pass.   The railroad cars at the top of the image are in the north yard of the museum’s restoration shop.
Ready… Set… Go!   The museum’s restored 1968 Cat D7E next to the museum’s Galion road roller.  The Galion does good work, but a newer vibratory rubber tired roller would be a great addition to the museum’s construction arsenal.   Anyone have any leads?
Looks can be deceiving…  While the roller looks to be in the lead, the dozer has already been down the job site and back.   The museum’s restoration shop sits in the back on the hill.